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From the Pastor

When the Magi had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was. (Matthew 2:9)

Magi from far-off lands, sailors traversing the sea, birds in seasonal migration. These all follow stars to help them to where they are going, to get them to their goal. As do we! We follow Jesus, ' the bright morning star.' (Revelation 22:16) Jesus, our star, is leading us and our congregation into the future.

As we meet for our annual meeting on the 26th of January, we will follow this star and see where it leads. Every meeting, every budget, every decision is a statement of belief about who we are, who we want to be, and where we are going. As we, along with many other congregations, likely will face another budget deficit, might there be creative responses to explore, new futures to consider, fresh initiatives to start? Our star, Jesus, is leading us somewhere and our meeting is a way in which we seek to follow and discover, imagine and dream.

A direction that I find we are being led is into deeper community through shared transportation. There are many in our congregation who have entered a season of life where driving a vehicle to church is no longer or rarely happening. We should meet the need for our fellow community members to participate in worship through organizing a rideshare that gets our siblings in Christ from home to church as often as they are able! Are you willing to follow this star and be a driver? Let me know! Are you wanting to attend worship, but finding driving there a scary prospect? We can get you there! Let me know!

As a community, we join with sages, sailors, and Scarlet Tanagers in following the star! We are being led!

Pastor Jeff

Last Updated:  January 2025    Limitations & Policy