Church Council
Rachelle Anderson Mark Morse - Treasurer
Bridget Bohn - President Trevor Christensen - Vice-President Dan Norlien
Ashley Hoppe Makenzie Morse
Ministry & Group Leader
Altar Guild -
Reba Almquist Building and Grounds - Trevor Christensen
Bridges to Christ
- Ann Edwards
Caring Ministries
- Jane Wedin
Communion Assistants
- Church office Confirmation - Pastor Jeff
Finance - Bob Almquist
Funeral Servers - Jane Wedin
Joyful Voices - Patti Martenson
Mighty CLUCS Softball, The - Mark Morse
Newsletter Editor/Mailing
- Church office
Prayer Chain - Reba
Quilters - Karin
Cummings Social Justice - Stewardship - Pastor Jeff
Tape Delivery
- Reba Almquist
Undesignated Memorials - Delores Grunwald
Union Gospel Mission - Lois Witchall
Ushers -
Church office
Web Page -
Delores Grunwald Worship and Music -
Patti Martenson Youth and Famly - Marcia DeMeo-Morse
Congregational Delegates and Liaisons
Church- Jane and Dave Wedin
Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry
- Bridget Bohn
Conference and Synod Assemblies
Home Delivered Meals - Peg Kristensen
Union Gospel Mission
- Lois Witchall Lutheran
Campus Ministry Duluth Board - Patti Martenson