Youth and Family
Nursery (Birth - Preschool)
An unstaffed nursery is available in our basement.
Sunday School
(Preschool - 5th Grade)
Children's Worship Bulletins are available on the children's area at the back of the
church (on the low table).
Spark Bibles
Bible stories accessible to children and colorful illustrations are featured
in the Spark Bible. This is the Bible used for
the stories read in Sunday School. Bibles are provided to third grade class.
First Communion Classes
Traditionally for fifth-graders, this is also open to younger youth. This
is for parents as well as your youth, generally taught during Lent.
- 9th Grade)
Concordia's students begin confirmation when they enter sixth grade. Confirmation takes
place on Reformation Sunday (the last Sunday in October) during students' ninth grade
Concordia's Confirmation program for 6th to 8th grades
is a
joint program with Family of God and
Kenwood Lutheran Churches.
We will meet at each of the three
churches for about 8 weeks at a time.
Confirmation Schedule Welcome to confirmation! We are excited to gather with you to
learn what it means to follow Jesus, to listen to scripture, and to live in
community. Below you will find the schedule for the year along with the
location of the gathering. It is important to note that this year we will be
meeting from 6-7:00 pm, as we will be providing a meal as part of
confirmation. Please make an effort to arrive promptly so that we can get
started and finish on time!