What's New?
Upcoming Events
Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry (VLM) Camperships
The Endowment Board is pleased to offer camperships to
Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry (VLM) to attend up to one week of camp per year.
Each youth member or non-member with consistent worship attendance cost will be matched half the cost to attend. In addition,
$100 is offered towards the cost of one non-member friend attending with a member. Furthermore, half the cost of attending family
camp per member family and $100 for non-member individuals attending with member family is offered.
Please contact Rachelle Anderson or Delores Grunwald if you are interested in attending a VLM camp this summer.
Fair Trade Coffee Sale
Bridges to Christ is selling extra coffee (ground) for $10. Contact a member for purchases. Make out checks to Concordia Lutheran Church - BTC.
Cookbook Sale - Available for Pick-up
We do have extra cookbooks, so if you did not get a chance to pre-order, or if you know someone else who wants one, we have some available!
Thank you for all the support for this project!
Stations of the Cross
View Slide Show (mp4 format)
Dale Burton
(www.burtonforge.com) installed Stations of the
Cross in 2013. Dale was commissioned by Concordia to design and construct these Stations, which
are in keeping with our architecture and especially our crucifix. The cost
of these new Stations has been covered by memorials and honoraria.
Can You Help?
Please contact the church
office 728-4229 (unless a specific contact is listed), if you can help
with any of the following ministries.
Communion Bread Bakers Needed Our
standard practice for for the Lord's Supper will be using bread made by our
members and wine poured from a common chalice. If you would like to
bake bread for an upcoming service, talk to an Altar Guild member; The recipe is also on the
Seminary website.
Serving Coffee for a Good Cause -
Exchange Coffee
Please help us support the ministry in sponsoring fair wages for small
farmers around the world. You can find out more about this effort
or purchase coffee at