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From the PastorSalaries. Maintenance! Snow removal!! Insurance!!! Mortgage!!!! Oh, my! the time of the year, once again, when you will hear an invitation to make a financial pledge to Concrdia for the year ahead. Pledging is a helpful practice, assisting our church council in planning for the year ahead. As you know, there are always significant things to plan for! The above litany of expenses are part of our shared community costs, costs that, honestly, keep going up year after year. One challenge in meeting these and the rest of our financial obligations is the reality that Concordia is not as young or as numerous as it was in previous years. While this is the case, it does not mean that we are on the verge of financial collapse. As a smaller congregation, we still have everything and everyone we need to fulfill the mission God has for us. This is why we invite and challenge you to work toward a household contribution of $3400 for the year. This is the average amount needed from each active member household to maintain our budget as it is. It is understood that some cannot approach that average. This is why we are community together! For those who are able, we invite you to increase your giving beyond that average to support those who cannot. You are also encouraged to think creatively about short and long-term giving. Some have moved to having a regular check sent from their bank to Concordia. As attendance can be sporadic due to summer plans, winter conditions, and life circumstances, this method of giving ensures a sustainable, regular contribution even if you cannot be in worship. As some of us venture closer to the need for long-term care as we age, consider how Concordia fits in to your planning around nursing home and independent living decisions. End of life planning with gifts in mind for the congregation and the endowment fund is another way of seeking to keep Concordia financially viable into the future. Budgeting is never easy! With your help, however, we are hopeful we can continue to maintain stability for the year ahead. Thanks for your generosity, work, and witness! Pastor Jeff Last Updated: November 2024 Limitations & Policy |